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The NEWS CENTER Maine STORM CENTER Box is now filling dates for the 2024-25 season! Please fill out the form below to apply.


The NEWS CENTER Maine STORM CENTER Box provides a fun and exciting Maine Mariners experience. The program is open to Maine based high school and youth sports teams, clubs and organizations. It is also open to 501(c)3 non-profit organizations.

About the Program

The NEWS CENTER Maine STORM CENTER Box was established in the Maine Mariners inaugural season. It is a donation program allowing community members to experience a Mariners game first hand.

For each Mariners home game NEWS CENTER Maine is allotting at no cost 13 premium seats. These seats will go to charitable organizations and Maine K-12 sports teams, clubs and organizations. The Box includes free popcorn. Meals, beverages, and parking are not included.

Use of The NEWS CENTER Maine STORM CENTER Box is open to new applicants. Your application will be received by the program administrator. You will be notified of the status of your request within 48 hours. We look forward to seeing you at the games!



Guidelines for The NEWS CENTER Maine STORM CENTER Box

  1. Alcohol is prohibited at all times in the box.
  2. The box holds 13 people. Two are required to be adults 18 years or older. The requirement is two in case one is called away for any reason.
  3. Please provide a contact name and phone number to Kim of NEWS CENTER Maine at least 48 hours prior to the event. You can reach Kim by email at
  4. Popcorn will be provided. Please let us know in advance of any dietary restrictions or food allergies.

Guidelines Continued..

  1. The box is ADA accessible. Please notify us of any special accommodations at least a week before the game.
  2. Tickets will be available at Will Call at the Box Office of the Cross Insurance Arena on day of event
  3. If once your groups is chosen to sit in the NEWS CENTER Maine STORM CENTER Box you can no longer attend the game, please contact Kim at We ask that you let us know at least 5 business days before the event. This is so tickets can be given to another organization.
  4. By sitting in the NEWS CENTER Maine STORM CENTER Box, you grant to NEWS CENTER Maine, TEGNA Inc., and its respective affiliates, subsidiaries, licensees, successors and assigns the right to take photographs, record video, and publish your name and/or a photo, picture or portrait of you, or that of a minor child or of whom you are guardian, alone or in a group, in advertising and promotion and to reproduce, publicize, broadcast and distribute copies of such advertisements or promotional material, including the distribution of such photographs and footage by broadcast, MVPD retransmission, and on the websites or other platforms of NEWS CENTER Maine and its affiliates subsidiaries, licensees, successors and assigns, and otherwise exploit such material in any manner in which it solely deems suitable.  NEWS CENTER Maine is under no obligation to broadcast, publish or transmit any of such material.  NEWS CENTER Maine shall have sole ownership rights in and to any such photographs or videotape obtained under this Authorization and Release in perpetuity. You waive any right to inspect or approve the photographs or content of any such advertising or promotional copy.


  1. Where is the nearest restroom to the box area? The nearest restroom is in the C.N. Brown Landing or behind section U.
  2. Is the box ADA accessible? Yes, there are elevators at all exit doors that will lead to the concourse level. The box is accessible from the concourse.
  3. Can we bring outside food and beverage into the box if our members have specific dietary restrictions? The Cross Insurance Arena requires 24 hours advance notice of dietary restrictions if outside Food & Beverage needs to be brought in.
  4. What time can we access the box on the day of the show? 1 hour before puck drop. Arrangements can be made if your group requires special advance access.
  5. What is the entrance nearest the NEWS CENTER Maine STORM CENTER Box? Cross Insurance Entrance is the closest. The entrance is located at the corner of Spring and Center Streets.


For questions regarding the NEWS CENTER Maine STORM CENTER Box please contact NEWS CENTER Maine’s Community Relations Director, Kimberly Charland,

Thank you for your interest in the News Center Maine STORM CENTER Box. All dates have been filled for the 2024-2025 season. Please check out the Hannaford to Go Kids Corner.