Q: Overall how do you feel the season went?
A: This year was kind of an interesting year for me personally. I don’t think that I had the success that I wanted to with Maine, as far as production goes. As far as a team perspective, I think it was a good year overall. We certainly were on our way to getting that playoff spot and clinching it. We started off kind of slow again this year, but it was good to see us turn things around and kind of heat up a little bit. We were fighting between that third and fourth spot for half of the year so that was very promising for our group.
Q: What was your favorite moment during this season?
A: I would say a couple of our overtime wins at home were always fun. We had a couple of those. I remember when we beat Worcester in overtime and we have a big rivalry with them, so getting that win over them in overtime in front of our fans was a cool moment.
Q: What was your favorite promotional night?A: I didn’t get to participate in it, but the ‘Miracle’ Game was very cool. I think that’s going to be the
consensus from most of the guys. Those jerseys were awesome! They’re probably my favorite custom jerseys that I have seen the team wear.
Q: Which of your teammates were you most impressed with?
A: I think Alex Kile had a really good year. He produced for us over the course of the season consistently. Josh Couturier stepped into a big role quickly in the second half of the season after battling injuries throughout the first half. Terrence Wallin was an unstoppable force this year and an excellent leader.
Q: Is there anything that you want to say to the fanbase?
A: I’d obviously like to thank them for their continued support. Playing at home is a key part of our year. We knew we play half of our games at home so having them behind us helps up try to take as many home wins as we can. Even though this season didn’t end the way that we envisioned it, I think a lot of guys that are coming back are really excited about next year and finally getting into the playoffs for the first time as the [ECHL] Maine Mariners and going on a run.